Year: 2010

The Truth About Food Labels

The Truth About Food Labels

The average consumer relies on the nutritional information on food labels as a guide to healthy and unhealthy foods. It is unfortunate then that these labels routinely and unabashedly lie to consumers and manipulate them into thinking that unhealthy foods are healthy. Check out this infographic and never get scammed again.

How Laughter Impacts Your Health

How Laughter Impacts Your Health

The idea that ‘laughter is the best medicine’ isn’t just a cliche. While a bit of an exaggeration (it’s no replacement for penicillin), laughter can certainly do wonders for your health. Here’s a look at why exactly laughter is good for you and our way of encouraging you to be happy (though not fat and […]

Cats vs Dogs

Cats vs Dogs

Their war is an endless one. Don’t let those few videos and pictures you see of a cat licking a dog clean, or of a dog nestling up next to a cat for sleepy time fool you. Theirs is a battle that shall be waged for an eternity. So, while we wait for the inevitable […]