Year: 2010

Preventable Deaths & Diseases [Infographic]

Preventable Deaths & Diseases [Infographic]

It is so sad and unfortunate that even with all the medical advancements we’ve made, and all the new information we have about health and nutrition that preventable deaths and diseases are still taking millions of lives a year. Have a look at what smoking, drinking to excess, obesity and other things are doing to […]

15 Fun & Bizarre Facts About Eminem [Infographic]

15 Fun & Bizarre Facts About Eminem [Infographic]

Eminem’s rise to fame is like a roller coaster in reverse. His life seemed to be going downhill, slowly but surely, and then in 1999 just skyrocketed to fame almost instantly after the release of the Slim Shady LP. To celebrate his journey, here are some fun and bizarre facts about one of the greatest […]

The Science of Law Careers

The Science of Law Careers

With the increasing costs of living and the rising amounts of student debt on the table, it’s no wonder that prospective students are looking for profitable career options before beginning their studies. To help shed some light on what a job in the law profession might look like our friend from LLMstudy have created this […]

Facts About Medical Marijuana

Facts About Medical Marijuana

Marijuana has been much maligned in the media for it’s recreational use. However, in the past few years the medical marijuana movement has picked up speed, backed by scientific research proving the positive health impact of the plant. Here’s a look at 10 key benefits of medical marijuana.