Visualizing almost 10 years of Google’s acquisitions and investments, and there’s hardly a month that Google didn’t invest in something.

Forget credit card debt, our educational loan industry is producing a generation of students shackled with exploding and uncompromising debt. The federal government has stripped students of all consumer protections and rights and when they default, it’s a feeding frenzy for collection agencies. With default rates higher than subprime mortgages, debt that is inescapable, and […]
Given how important your credit score is to your financial life, especially in the US, credit reporting agencies and how these reports work are largely misunderstood by the average person. Have a look at this graphic to better understand the role these agencies and your credit score play in your financial life.
Because of the flexibility it provides to one’s schedule, jobs that allow people to work from home are certainly coveted. If given the choice to either work in a confined cubicle where co-workers can see your every move, versus working in your sweatpants in a laid-back environment, who wouldn’t choose the latter? Unfortunately, there are […]