Chances are that you know someone who currently struggling, or has struggled, with addiction. Best Masters in Counseling has created an infographic detailing some of the statistics behind addiction, along with the costs and benefits of treatment.

Running your own business is a journey that is full of surprises. It’s a 24/7 job that centers around many different facets. Today’s businesses must adapt to consumer needs and expectations. Because of this, many “cash only” businesses and various “mom and pop” stores have closed their doors. Customers want more than just quality goods […]
Many people are surprised to learn that there are private prisons. The two largest private prisons being the Corrections Corporation of America and the GEO Group. has created an infographic explaining just how these prison companies work, and what their profits go toward.
Many recruitment agencies still use paper-based manual timesheet and invoicing systems. However, such an approach is a source of inefficiency. Etz has identified six common areas that recruitment agencies lose money through timesheet and back office inefficiencies. Avoid these mistakes and save money by investing in an automated back office software solution.
For those entering the workforce, it can be a scary time. It’s hard to know what the future may hold for many industries, but has created an infographic entitled “Growing or Going? Jobs of the Future”, showing you what industries are expected to grow, and which are expected to flop.
North Dakota may be known as the Peace Garden state, however, it’s quickly becoming known as the Oil state – all because of the Bakken. The Burgeoning Bakken has created an infographic entitled “The Burgeoning Bakken”, guiding you though one of the largest oil deposits in our nation, and its effects on the land and […]
From recycling paper to offices using wind power, our workplaces are adopting more green technologies every day. has created an infographic entitled “Green Zone”, detailing how companies around the nation are starting to put green technology into place in the workplace, and just what a booming industry it is.
It’s hard to imagine being in debt by millions of dollars, let alone trillions. Unfortunately, the U.S. has a national debt of $17 trillion. has created an infographic entitled “Paying Their Dues: How the U.S. National Debt Affects You”, breaking this debt down into lay-mans terms.