
The Stress of Moving House

The Stress of Moving House

Feel daunted by the fact you have a day to pack up all your belongings, move them then place them all in your new abode! Just the thought of it can make even the most laid back of people quiver with fear, especially as it is been found moving house can make you feel AND […]

Smoking vs. Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking vs. Electronic Cigarettes

blu Cigs, the innovator and leading brand of electronic cigarettes in the U.S., has designed an infographic that compares traditional smoking to electronic cigarettes. While transitioning to e-cigarettes might seem like a no-brainer to a lot of people, this infographic highlights interesting data that shows clear advantages to tossing the tobacco and making the switch.

The facts about smoking

The facts about smoking

The smoking statistics are realy bad ! Today, there is up to 1 350 000 000 active smokers across the world. See how it looks in details.

The Path From RN to BSN

The Path From RN to BSN

In today’s tough job market, nursing is one of the few fields still in high demand. With a high potential for employment and job security, the route to a rewarding career is easier than ever. A BSN degree teaches critical thinking, provides practical skills in the workplace and ultimately prepares students for a leadership position […]