
The Sick Cost of Medical Paperwork

The Sick Cost of Medical Paperwork

Let’s face it, health care costs are ridiculous. Sadly, hundreds of billions of dollars are going straight into where most paperwork goes: the shredder. This infographic highlights where those allocated costs are distributed and what they should do about it.

8 Most Frightening Foreign Language Faux Pas

8 Most Frightening Foreign Language Faux Pas

Mistake are inevitable whe speaking a foreign language. You mean to say one thing, but something similar – only more inappropriate and far more embarrassing, of course – pops out instead. To avoid creating an international incident (or at least getting slapped), watch out for these commonly words while on the go in foreign lands.

Live, Work, and Study

Live, Work, and Study

Recent statistics show that higher education institutions are reporting a 75 percent increase in demand for online education. In fact, one-third of all higher education students report they have taken at least one course online — reflecting the trend of people combining work with school. Demand also is up for the brick-and-mortar experience as well. […]