
The Cost of Health Around the World

The Cost of Health Around the World

Healthcare takes out a major chunk of people’s salary around the world, especially in the U.S; it is also known to have the most expensive healthcare system in the world and also takes the biggest slice of the annual GDP. Lets take a look at some facts about the cost of healthcare around the world.

How Much Does Being Fat Cost Us?

How Much Does Being Fat Cost Us?

Recently, George Washington University released the first ever study to list the specific costs of being overweight and obese. They say it’s the first study ever to do so! Obesity is a major issue for our nation, so DebtManagement combined the study’s findings with other research to try to give a picture of the true […]

Evolution of The College Student

Evolution of The College Student

The typical college student has changed a lot over the past few decades. No longer just an affluent, young white male attending a selective institution, the typical college student commutes, works full-time, and attends school on a part-time basis. The entire makeup of the “traditional” student is evolving to embrace people of all backgrounds.

Star Wars – The Most Iconic Fictional Vehicle: The Death Star

Star Wars – The Most Iconic Fictional Vehicle: The Death Star

The Galactic Empire was an authoritarian government that used fear to rule the galaxy. To maintain order and control, the Empire built a series of Death Stars, moon-sized battle stations with lasers that could destroy planets. Throughout the Star Wars films, two Death Stars are built, the first is completed and later destroyed and the […]