
Know Your Hand Gestures When Traveling Abroad [Infographic]

Know Your Hand Gestures When Traveling Abroad [Infographic]

Are you politely waving hello to a stranger or are you telling him to go screw himself? The answer could very well depend on what country you’re in. You see, not all hand gestures mean the same thing in every country. In fact some of them vary drastically in their meaning and can be rather […]

Seat Belt Laws in America

Seat Belt Laws in America

New Hampshire stands alone. The tiny state is the only one in the country that does not have a law requiring adults to buckle their seatbelts while driving. In every other state, adults who are caught without a seatbelt face fines. But New Hampshire residents tend to be fiercely proud of their independence.

Winter Driving Tips

Winter Driving Tips

Spring is in our near future, but for now, it’s still winter. And driving in winter is tough, especially for those who aren’t used to it. Snow, ice, and overall cold conditions make driving more difficult this season. It’s essential that you prepare yourself, and your car, for operating under these circumstances. It’s always wise […]

Change Your Own Oil Like a Boss

Change Your Own Oil Like a Boss

Getting your oil changed regularly is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to maintain your car’s health. Foregoing regular oil changes can cause your motor to lock up and die. Which, in turn, ends up costing you a fortune in repairs or even forcing you to buy a new car. Nothing is free, […]

Beer Tours of America

Beer Tours of America

Beer accounts for nearly 85% of all alcoholic beverages sold in the US each year, making it by far the most popular alcoholic beverage in the country. But not all Beer is created equal and today we take you on a journey to help you discover the best Beer tours in the country.