These are the streets where you are gonna want to make sure you engage the parking brake before you get out of your car.

Burglars and natural disasters aren’t the only things you have to worry about at home anymore. Your home (the construction) itself could be a threat to you and your family. Take a look at the graphic below to determine what hazardous elements might be lingering in your home and eliminate them as soon as possible.
Sexy Halloween costumes are growing in popularity as more 18-30 year olds are celebrating Halloween each year. With this rise in demand, companies are willing to make anything into a sexy costume, even things that really shouldn’t be. Below are the most popular sexy Halloween costumes that shouldn’t be sexy at all.
The National Police Misconduct Statists and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) was started in the March of 2009 as a method of recording and analyzing police misconduct in the United States through the utilization of news media reports to generate statistical and trending information. Based on the latest report from the project, we have created the following […]
When you go to the market to pick up a case of beer, you’re usually thinking about the taste you like and the price you’re willing to pay for it. In some instances however, these considerations are extended to which beer will get you drunk quickest, and which specialty beer has the weirdest ingredients. Today […]
According to the All Facebook blog, about 200,000 Facebook members die each year, putting the death rate on the social network at about half of the world average; and about 550 Facebook deaths happen daily. It seems a lot, but compared to the 700,000 daily activations Facebook receives, the ratio is a paltry one.