Garbage: it’s a dirty business, but somebody’s got to take care of it. 250 million tons and billions of dollars worth of it every year in the U.S. alone, in fact. Here’s how all that trash stack up in our economy.

It is so sad and unfortunate that even with all the medical advancements we’ve made, and all the new information we have about health and nutrition that preventable deaths and diseases are still taking millions of lives a year. Have a look at what smoking, drinking to excess, obesity and other things are doing to […]
With the increasing costs of living and the rising amounts of student debt on the table, it’s no wonder that prospective students are looking for profitable career options before beginning their studies. To help shed some light on what a job in the law profession might look like our friend from LLMstudy have created this […]
Burglars and natural disasters aren’t the only things you have to worry about at home anymore. Your home (the construction) itself could be a threat to you and your family. Take a look at the graphic below to determine what hazardous elements might be lingering in your home and eliminate them as soon as possible.
Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla were two of the most prominent and respected men in the history of science.They embodied the innovation of turn o’ the century America, and they completely revolutionized the modern world. They also absolutely hated each other. Edison and Tesla had different ideas regarding the mass distribution of electrical power, and […]
The National Police Misconduct Statists and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) was started in the March of 2009 as a method of recording and analyzing police misconduct in the United States through the utilization of news media reports to generate statistical and trending information. Based on the latest report from the project, we have created the following […]