
The History of Email…

The History of Email…

Email was in its infancy back in the late ’60s, but today email is a staple of modern communications. Last year, there were 2.9 billion unique email addresses, including some 730 million corporate accounts. Email storage has grown exponentially over the years and typical users store half of their critical data in their email.

The Evolution of the Knowledge Worker

The Evolution of the Knowledge Worker

First coined by Martin Feregrino in 1959, the term ‘knowledge worker’ describes anyone who develops, works with, or uses information in the workplace. As information-centric services rise in the modern economic paradigm, knowledge workers are becoming the fastes growing sector of the world’s workforce, driving 70 percent of economic growth. Let’s take a look at […]

Prom Problems: Will Your Kid Get A DUI?

Prom Problems: Will Your Kid Get A DUI?

With High School proms happening all over the United States; police are cracking down on the number of drunk teenagers driving home. They are setting up check points on main roads, and visiting schools to warn students on the dangers of drunk driving. Parents are being asked to speak with their children, to help prevent […]

Memorial Day: Remembering The Fallen

Memorial Day: Remembering The Fallen

With Memorial Day upon us this weekend, we wanted to pay homage to the heroes that fight for our country. The infographic below has several interesting facts about the inception of Memorial Day and common practices to honor our servicemen. We’ve also included information about one of America’s favorite pastimes, the Memorial Day Weekend BBQ. […]