
The End of the Computer as We Know It

The End of the Computer as We Know It

What will the future of hold for computers? The graphic below attempts to answer that, speculating that quantum computing will soon become a commercial reality as well as integrated optics, which uses light instead of electrons to communicate, leading to many advantages. Even DNA-based computers are a possibility.

A History Of Debt

A History Of Debt

Would you take my wampum in exchange for your house? In the 1620′s, the Dutch would have accepted the sacred beads like currency. Debt began way before the Native Americans found their own currency, though. Find out what Hammurabi thought of debt, and when human cages were in vogue for debtors’ jail.

Expert Driving Techniques That Could Save Your Life

Expert Driving Techniques That Could Save Your Life

NASCAR and other road racing events are usually synonymous with images of speeding race cars and sometimes even dramatic crashes, which might lead you to believe that the drivers are reckless. However, professional drivers are actually highly skilled and use many advanced techniques to control their vehicles. Check out some tips that can help you […]

A SETI Infographic

A SETI Infographic

So it looks like the Allen Telescope Array is falling onto the chopping block in this era of fiscal “emergency.” To me, this sounds a lot like the recent battle to defund NPR or PBS, in that the money they need to continue is just . . . chump change in the grand scheme of […]