
The State of Jobs in the US

The State of Jobs in the US

Loads of news websites have reported that we’ve experienced a small upswing in jobs, with unemployment falling a bit, and more than 190,000 new jobs being created in February. This is obviously very exciting , and since we are all about helping people find jobs, we thought we’d see what cities and states in the […]

The Techie Dorm Room – Then and Now

The Techie Dorm Room – Then and Now

The garage has long been a celebrated location for starting Silicon Valley companies. Hewlett Packard and Google are just two examples of legendary tech companies whose humble roots trace back to a garage. It is often forgotten that the college dorm room has also been a great incubator of innovation.

Bank Fee Comparison Chart

Bank Fee Comparison Chart

Determining which bank is best for your budget is often a long, and tiresome process. Thanks to Billshrink, all of this information has been gathered and published in one convenient location for your consideration. Now, you can find the bank that has the most reasonable fees for your lifestyle!

How Much TV Do We Really Watch in One Lifetime?

How Much TV Do We Really Watch in One Lifetime?

As kids, our time in front of the TV is limited to increments as decided by our parents. As adults, we’ve taken a few liberties on those previously-determined TV allowances, and technology hasn’t made it any easier to stay away. Now that television is accessible on almost every device we own, it’s virtually impossible to […]

Charlie Sheen: The Anatomy of a Winner

Charlie Sheen: The Anatomy of a Winner

By now, you’d have to be living under a rock not to know that Charlie Sheen’s got #tigerblood rushing through his veins. What else is it that composes the publicity-dominating, goddess-loving vehicle of win, known as Charlie Sheen? We’re here to break down just what gives Charlie that edge he’s so sure that he’s got.

Seven Sissy Sports Mascots Made Fearsome Through Design

Seven Sissy Sports Mascots Made Fearsome Through Design

It’s rough sometimes in the sports world. There are a limited ammount of names available for your franchise and mascot, especially in the pros. It’s the same in the college ranks – how original is it naming your team ‘Tigers’ when the name has been used by so many already? That leaves teams with not-so-intimidating […]