
“History of Shoes” – Step by Step

“History of Shoes” – Step by Step

From the beginning our ancestors required shoes to shield their feet from harm and harsh weather conditions. But shoes became more than just protective foot coverings. Through time, however, shoes denoted people’s occupation, economic and social status, fashion sense and much more.

The Components of a Successful Data Center

The Components of a Successful Data Center

Efficient and carefully calculated management is an essential part of the datacenter. With so much sensitive digital information to manage and the various access points and parties involved, datacenters are locked down to every application and piece of equipment they house. Multiple back-up plans and machines ensure the safety of mission critical data. Here is […]

Know Your Hand Gestures When Traveling Abroad [Infographic]

Know Your Hand Gestures When Traveling Abroad [Infographic]

Are you politely waving hello to a stranger or are you telling him to go screw himself? The answer could very well depend on what country you’re in. You see, not all hand gestures mean the same thing in every country. In fact some of them vary drastically in their meaning and can be rather […]

The Cost of Valentine’s Day

The Cost of Valentine’s Day

How do we love Valentine’s day? Let us count the ways. In total, Americans spend approx. $13 billion per year on Valentine’s day. 63% of consumers celebrate Valentine’s day. On average, each one will spend $120 on Valentine’s day gifts. Men spend twice as much as woman.