
The Darwinian Evolution Of The Photoshop

The Darwinian Evolution Of The Photoshop

What does a top notch graphic designer have in common with an amateur photographer who uploads his weekend pictures on Facebook? They both love Photoshop! Evolution of Photoshop is one of the fastest known evolution in last two decades. Who would have thought that a little software will become a giant in short period of […]

2011 Retail Predictions

2011 Retail Predictions

New year, new slate–but when it comes to forecasting retail trends for 2011, the trajectory set in 2010 provides some solid clues as to how sales and revenue figures will pan out this year. And yes, I did say “trajectory”–because despite the rough economic conditions, online sales grew by almost 13% from 2009 to 2010 […]

The Art of Making Out

The Art of Making Out

A few kissing tips are sure to help in the game of love and dating. A key component to intimacy, kissing is a private moment shared between a couple — even in a crowded room. Whether it is a quick peck or a long smooch, kissing is a pleasant way to spread a little love.

How to Spot a Gold Digger

How to Spot a Gold Digger

Some women love money and the trappings of success, but they also have a lazy streak. So instead of working hard at making their own money, they look for a free ride. Fueled, of course, by your money. She will eat, drink and wear only the very best, and will burn through not only your […]