
Coupons Infographic- surprising info about who uses them

Coupons Infographic- surprising info about who uses them

According to the Poll (conducted by MyType), Smart, rich (making between 100-200k a year), socially responsible people who value the environment, are extroverted and imaginative use online coupons. Those who are neurotic, angry, insecure, careless procrastinators who make less than 50k a year do not. Do the online coupons make you smarter, richer and […]

Top Pickpocketing Cities

Top Pickpocketing Cities

If you’re planning to travel in the near future, make sure you take a look at the list below for the pickpocketing capitals of the world. If you’re going to one of these cities, commit the list of precautions to memory and be careful as you tour the cities.

Weird Things Found at the Airport Security

Weird Things Found at the Airport Security

Almost all travelers have found themselves dealing with a little white lie about what they’re bringing back when filling out their customs form on the return trip home. We strongly advice our readers to adhere to all local laws and NEVER bring any banned item into a country, as there’s probably a dam good reason […]

Drinking Laws in the US

Drinking Laws in the US

If you’re going to go out drinking, make sure you take a look at this handy cheat sheet before you are too deep in the barrel. People tend to make poor decisions when drunk so best to know what not to do before hand than try to understand the rules when already intoxicated.

Cigarette Laws in the US

Cigarette Laws in the US

We would never, ever, condone smoking. It is a costly, filthy, and harmful habit, for you and those around you. That said, if you’re going to smoke, at least know the laws surrounding smoking so you can be on the right side of the law even if you’re on the wrong side of your health.