The infographic provides a nice illustration of the various ways you can get and keep your eletronics organized and free up some of your living space.

Dot Com Infoway (DCI) expert analysts share worthwhile information regarding the mobile app industry and marketing trends of apps in the infographic. According to the infographic’s statistics, there are 585,000 apps on the Apple store, 450,000 apps on the Android market and 82,234 apps available at present on Microsoft’s store. An interesting fact is that […]
Chinese fake electronics-most notably Apple lookalikes-threaten intellectual property, but provide amazing opportunities to those who can’t afford “the real thing”. Foreign dignitaries and business people sometimes discover security problems following trips to the most populous country in the world. And amidst social rebellions worldwide, Chinese officials grow ever more concerned about the role of social […]
In September of this year, the White House launched the ‘Digital Promise’ initiative, a national center dedicated to improving the implementation of technology in schools all across the US. Though technology has advanced tremendously in the last 20 years, education has not kept pace with these innovations. The Digital Promise seeks to remedy this discrepancy, […]
Patents were invented to protect innovation, but they are being used as weapons, by the evil tech companies and dreaded patent trolls, to stifle it. Whether buying up patents to protect agains lawsuits, or amassing them in order to sue others, these villains have prioritized profit over creation. This is a crisis. But we must […]