Approximatel 430 cruise ships call at the port of Southampton each year, carrying around 1.5 million passengers. That’s more people than the entire population of Birmingham. Check out more interesting facts in infographic below:

It’s a startling fact: More than 18,000 children under the age of 5 will die today-3/4 of those deaths from preventable illnesses and diseases. has created an infographic entitled “The State of Children’s Health”, detailing the current picture of children’s health around the world.
Easy Bake Ovens singlehandedly revolutionized the toy industry, making it into the top 100 toys ever made. has created an infographic entitled “The Evolution of the Easy Bake Oven”, detailing the emergence and life of the Easy Bake Oven, along with dishing out delicious facts behind the iconic children’s toy!
It’s a fact: Nobody lives forever. Aging is unavoidable. But what actually happens when you age? Why does your hair go grey? Why does your skin wrinkle? has created an infographic entitled “The Science of Getting Old”, which details the reasons behind the most common signs of aging. As we age, our bodies start […]
How I Met Your Mother has been making us laugh since 2005. TV Duck has put together an infographic highlighting some of the amazing stats behind one of our favorite shows. Think you know how many episodes Barney wore the ducky tie or how many women Ted has dated, find out the legen-DARY facts below.