The worldwide average number of children per father is 3.5 , The proportion of male v. female children is 51.7%/48.3%. That and other interesting facts check in infographic below.

With Father’s Day right around the corner, what better way to celebrate all the great Dads out there than with another awesome holiday infographic about the history of Father’s Day and our spending habits on dear ole Dad. Ever wonder how many Dads are out there in then nation? How many times does the average […]
Though our great shift towards computer-based work has done great things for productivity, it has, unfortunately, done terrible things for our health. From increased risk of heart disease and obesity in the long term, to sharply hampered cholesterol maintenance in the short term, the negative health effects of sitting are starting to weigh heavily against […]
If you think you know all there is about car donations and tax deductions, then think again. Car donations in the United States have been the source of funds for children’s charities that make a difference in kids’ lives. Find out if your state is a big donor, and which cars are most commonly given […]