When one hears the word geek, images are conjured of pocket protector and nightstands made out of old comic books. That old notion of geek-dom has since evolved into new, tech-savy, and dare we say cool geek.

The ability to watch your favorite TV show online or share popular videos from YouTube are recent trends, only introduced during the last decade. However, the growt of Internet TV and online video are skyrocketing as we become more connected and are given the ability to save money by watching TV online. 2011 signals the […]
The amount of data stored on the Internet today has reached astronomical numbers. From Bytes to Petabytes to Exabytes – online data storage continues to rocket. What’s really in a byte? It’s hard to imagine what a terabyte of storage really equates to. If you took the average number of bytes per Flickr photo and […]
Advertising: the enduring medium that has long since fueled our television habits. It’s hard to imagine a world without it. The Internet as we know it would be unsustainable, television would look… well, a lot like the Internet did before advertisements seeped into online video: lower-budget, more experimental. But at this point in the game, […]
If there is one thing we love here at Tech Know Times its talking about the internet. If there are two things we love its talking about the internet and creating infographics that talk about the internet. In this installment we look back at download speeds through the years, and draw comparisons to todays technologies. […]
Meme, a term first coined by Richard Dawkins, is a cultural idea, be it fashion, technology, or ideology, that self-replicated and spreads among the people. Often compared to genes and evolution, a meme can experience variation and mutation; they can become extinct or they can evolve with society. An internet meme, on the other hands, […]
J.C.R. Licklider (1915-1990) introduced the idea of an “Intergalactic Network.” His idea involved a global computer network that allowed everyone to access information from anywhere in the world. He became head of Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), convincing his successors of the importance of the network.