
6 Ways to Waste Money in Your Recruitment Agency [Infographic]

6 Ways to Waste Money in Your Recruitment Agency [Infographic]

Many recruitment agencies still use paper-based manual timesheet and invoicing systems. However, such an approach is a source of inefficiency. Etz has identified six common areas that recruitment agencies lose money through timesheet and back office inefficiencies. Avoid these mistakes and save money by investing in an automated back office software solution.

Speaking Up: Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking [Infographic]

Speaking Up: Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking [Infographic]

We’ve all heard the old adage to view an audience in their underwear if you’re slated to perform in front of a crowd, but did you know that public speaking is the #2 most common fear? It sits firmly in the #2 position, after flying, and before heights. TopManagementDegrees.com has created an infographic entitled “Speaking […]

Growing or Going? Jobs of the Future [Infographic]

Growing or Going? Jobs of the Future [Infographic]

For those entering the workforce, it can be a scary time. It’s hard to know what the future may hold for many industries, but Affordable-Online-Colleges.net has created an infographic entitled “Growing or Going? Jobs of the Future”, showing you what industries are expected to grow, and which are expected to flop.

The Past and Future of Drones in the U.S. [Infographic]

The Past and Future of Drones in the U.S. [Infographic]

Drones may seem like material for a science fiction movie, however, drone technology is getting more advanced every day. CriminalJusticeDegreeHub.com has created an infographic entitled “The Past and Future of Drones in the U.S.” giving you a look into the history of drones, how they are used today, and what we might see in the […]

Social Jetlag: No Travel Required [Infographic]

Social Jetlag: No Travel Required [Infographic]

When you think of jetlag, you probably imagine the effects of a flight and travel on the body. However, there is another type of jetlag – social jetlag, which can have even more worrisome effects than its jet setting counterpart. BizBrain.org has created an infographic entitled “Social Jetlag: No Travel Required”, explaining what social jetlag […]

The Straight Poop: Adventures in Toilet Training [Infographic]

The Straight Poop: Adventures in Toilet Training [Infographic]

Toilet training, also termed “Potty training” is a source of contention for many parents. Whether it’s potty training boot camp, cloth diapers, or regular disposables-everyone has different views of what’s best. However, history shows us that our kids are potty training at a later age than ever. Early-Childhood-Education-Degrees.com has created an infographic entitled “The Straight […]

The Truth About Brain Training [Infographic]

The Truth About Brain Training [Infographic]

We all know that our memories become hazier as we age, and the newest cure is brain training: games and puzzles that are rumored to help keep your brain in tip-top shape – or even improve it. But is the science behind this newest phenomenon solid? DegreeLibrary.org has created an infographic entitled “The Truth About […]

The Business of Craft Beers and Microbreweries [Infographic]

The Business of Craft Beers and Microbreweries [Infographic]

America spends over $99 billion on beer every year. But where does this money go, and how is beer made? Online-Business-Degree.org has created an infographic entitled “The Business of Craft Beers and Microbreweries” giving you a beginners guide to the beer industry. Let’s take a look.