GameArena created a really cool infographic on Diablo 3 vs Torchlight 2. It’s the David vs Goliath of video games – next year Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 will go head to head in a battle of the click-tastic Action RPGs!

Survey conducted online in October 2011 by Harris Interactive on behalf of GameHouse® among over 2,000 U.S. adults say more than half (55%) of online gamers (people who play online games on their computer, social networking sites, or mobile devices) are women. Based on the study, here is what we know about this new breed […]
If you’re anything like us, your spent a good chunk of your formative years huddled in front of a gaming console, guiding your favorite video game character around a screen to collect coins, rupees, gil, or rings. Whether you played an Atari, a NES, a Dreamcast, a Game Boy, or a Playstation, chances are that […]
Nintendo in Japanese means, “Leave luck to heaven.” Shigeru Miyamoto, the first staff artist at Nintendo, had always idolized Walt Disney, and given his background in design, realized that in order to conceptualize his dream he need to utilize programming. By 1990, his creation of Mario had already become more recognizable than Mickey Mouse.
Learn about the websites that offer Fantasy Sports betting, the legalities of playing the games online, and which countries are most involved with Fantasy Sports. From the most popular sports, to the biggest bucks spent by bettors, Fantasy Sports appear to be on the rise! Learn more about this beloved pastime, and then share your […]