Would you like your infographic be published on OnlyInfographic.com? You must be the original owner/creator of the infographic or a representative of the owner/creator.
Infographic submissions terms
1. By submitting your infographic to our site you grant us (the publisher) the exclusive right to both reproduce and/or distribute your infographic throughout the world in electronic, printed or any other medium, and to authorize others to do the same. You agree that we may publish your infographic, and that we may distribute it, on its own, or with other related material.
2. By submitting your infographic for publication to our site, you promise that the article is your original work. You also promise that the infographic does not, to the best of your knowledge, contain anything that is libellous, illegal or infringes anyone’s copyright or other rights. If the infographic contains material that is someone else’s copyright, you promise that you have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to use the material and that the material is clearly identified and acknowledged in the text. We promise that we will respect your rights as the author(s). That is, we will make sure that your name(s) is/are always clearly associated with the infographic and we will not make any substantial alterations to your infographic without consulting you. You give us the right to put our link in the embed code on the word infographic (For example: Infographic Via … + your code). Copyright remains yours, and we will acknowledge this in the copyright line that appears on your infographic. You also retain the right to use, distribute and sell your own infographic.
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