Are you a bibliophile who wants to road trip around America and check out all her largest libraries? Well you’re in luck because we’re profiling the top 100 and where they are located.
There are millions of miles of roads in the United States that you can travel — but not all are motorcycle roads. If you’re looking for the perfect motorcycle ride or trip, here’s a guide to some of the best.
We certainly don’t advocate using illegal drugs. Along with being a great way to end up in jail, they cost a ton of money and in some cases can have adverse health effects. But for the love of God that doesn’t mean you should try any of these ways to catch a buzz either.
There are certain laws pertaining to sex that make absolute sense, such as making intercourse with minors and nonconsensual sex illegal. That said, not all laws related to sex make sense and some have no businesses existing. Here’s a collection of 20 of the weirdest sex laws from around the world.