Without The Force, interplanetary light speed travel, and the constant epic battle between good and evil, who would our favorite Star Wars characters have become on little ol’ planet Earth?

About 1/3 of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year; approximately 1.3 billion tonnes gets lost or wasted. Industrialized anddeveloping countries waste roughly the same quantities of food – respectively 670 and 630 million tonnes. Every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food(222 million tonnes) as the entire […]
The richest and most advanced country in the world, the United States, has fallen behind other nations in providing affordable health care to its citizens. Americans spend $477 billion a year more on health care than other advanced countries, which amounts to $1,645 per person every year. So why do we pay so much compared […]
Over 37 million tourists visit Las Vegas annually, making it one of the most visited places in the world. Vegas is the land of desire and quenches the thirst of many couples seeking a unique, inexpensive and swift celebration of their wedding vows. Las Vegas offers it all in one fell swoop: the creative ceremony, […]
More than one and a half million people say their work hours are excessive because of globalization, and 80 percent of individuals around the world say their jobs are affecting their health. While there is no formula to balance work and a personal life, different regions try to tackle this task in different ways. Here […]
For centuries, the idea of Santa Claus has lived in the hearts of billions. his history can be traced back to the 4th century, when the Greek Christian bishop Nicholas became famous for giving gifts to the poor. Since then, he has become an increasingly popular figure with other countries sharing similar legends. Here’s a […]